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NGO Dinosaurs such as the IMF and World Bank

Politics / Global Financial System May 11, 2007 - 01:38 PM GMT

By: Ty_Andros


Most NGO's (non governmental organizations, funded by groups of nations for common goals) such as the United Nations, OECD, World bank, the International Monetary fund were valuable contributors to world stability after world wars I and II. But for lack a mission now all have sunk into the depths of corrupt bureaucracies. They are comic book characters now slinking around the world serving up self aggrandizing and self serving goals. Just as Government programs everywhere never are ended decades after their usefulness has ended, but never die, these dinosaurs still roam the earth fighting extinction. They are politically correct as their original intentions/missions were so virtuous, so nobody calls a spade a spade in the politically correct press. Now they are big money machines with heavy strings attached, power and control strings.

Anybody that is involved with them are in it for the money and the money they graft off them is enormous. Any nation taking advice from the IMF is doomed to poverty and economic destruction, its prescriptions are recipes for disaster. Ask Russia , Argentina , Thailand and Brazil to name a few.

Asia has formed its own consortium of central banks with a insurance pool to provide liquidity in times of trouble, with 1997-98 still fresh in their minds. To avoid IMF and World Bank involvement in future crisis management. The OECD is the taxman for the welfare states as they sink into bankruptcy from their impossible spending schemes, currency controls and higher taxes are their only goals, economic development is lip service. Ending Harmful tax competition is its principle mission, putting the stranglehold of hold of the welfare states high taxes onto more competitive economies. The examples of the World Bank, IMF and United nations are ripe with horror story after horror story of incompetence, unbelievable poor advice, and criminality.

Make no mistake the railroading of Paul Wolfowitz at the World bank is a bag job. This issue was vetted BEFORE he ascended as President of the bank. The Wall street journal has carefully detailed every move by his adversarys. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Corrupt insiders are putting the Kibosh on reform, pronto. Paul Volker was being invited to the party and they new it was going to be a debacle. Food for Oil was going to to be a walk in the park compared to the wholesale thefts that is the World Bank. Any informed careful observers that do not form opinions on headlines know this.

I still remember Secretary General of the UN, Kofi Annan rushing to Baghdad just before the invasion of Iraq stating that he had met with Saddam and that this was a man he could do business with. A Freudian slip of epic proportions as we learned when the food for oil scandal broke. He was heavily ALREADY involved in business with Saddam as he spoke those words of B*** poop. He, his son, France , and Russia were on a gravy train extraordinaire, as they skimmed money and made kickback to Saddam and his boys

(Authors note; looking for assistance in creating portfolio diversification that can survive and thrive in what I am outlining? In fingers of instability? If so contact me through . Subscriptions to this newsletter are also free at this address; send it to a friend, Thank you)

Now here comes the United Nations with another real laugher. There used to be a country named Rhodesia . Rhodesia was the flower of Africa , prosperous, self sufficient, responsible and honest government and an agricultural power house. A bread-basket to Africa . Poverty and corrupt government was everywhere in Africa but Rhodesia . But as we all know, all good things come to an end and this did too. As good Samaritans these government NGO's pushed for the end of apartheid in South Africa . i.e. white government. In South Africa there was a big divide between whites and blacks and it needed to be addressed. Nelson Mandela was the poster child of this movement as he lead the revolution till it succeeded.

Rhodesia was another story though, most of the blacks and whites were rising in income together, famine and unemployment was not an issue in this garden place. It was well managed and as far as the repression in South Africa it was like black is to white. When everybody is making money tough feelings are reduced. But the NGO's went after Rhodesia anyway, and they blinked.

It changed its name to Zimbabwe , threw out the white government and the rest is history. A man named Robert Mugabe seized power and never has relinquished it. Driving this prosperous and peaceful powerhouse into abject poverty. Its economy has gone from FIRST to the WORST. Its currency now suffers inflation measured in wheelbarrows. Thousands of percent a year as there is no wealth creation now taking place in Zimbabwe , there are no tax revenues because there are no revenues. Productive enterprise is a distant memory. Everything is paid for with a printing press and the result predictable, Hyper inflation and Weimar republic type conditions now exist.

HORNS BLARING: Guess who is poised to be elected to the chair of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development? You guessed it. ZIMBABWE . Who is the main funder of the group? The World Bank and the IMF. I could laugh but I am crying. Just as Sudan was named to the chair of the human rights commission. This new appointment is right along the lines of previous demonstrations of exemplary leadership and shining moral examples to the world. Comic book contradictions, Georg e Orwells1984 in the real world. How can they put forward these obscenities and get away with it. Why isn't the press having a field day? Left leaning journalists and political correctness. Why does no one ever criticize the obscene behemoths, and unmask them for what they are and have become?

This is the same United Nations whose Environmental commission Al Gore cites as the conclusive authority on “GLOBAL WARMING”. After this above mentioned endorsement for this moral authority Gore Cites that the debate is over!! 2500 scientists in 150 countries opinions as established fact. Think about that number and slice it apart, 2500 scientists divided by 150 countries. That's 16 scientists per country: you could fit that group in a small bus or seat them at two big dinner tables. Hardly a broad chorus of hard conclusions. Do you think there might be 16 scientists in each country working on one government sponsored climate projects? Who do you think pay their current salaries? Do you think they may have been promised future work when the fleecing of the planet begins based on their canards? Global warming is probably taking place, as it has since the last ice age, but the cause of it is highly debatable, human versus nature. It is a power and money grab from the most ignorant among us.

Do you really want to put your futures into these people's hands? These groups are institutionalized corruption, the fiat money and credit creation are part of their theft of your future prosperity, as it is what funds them. It is this money and credit creation that destroys the value of your savings no matter which country it resides in. Endless redistribution of income with the global politicians at the wheel. Fiat money and credit creation are the holy grails of governments everywhere as it is the recipe for endless government growth And increasing slavery for us all!!! These NGO”s are a dream come true for power mad politicians worldwide.

In Conclusion, Everything I have covered has inflation written all over it. Exploding prices up and down as these things play out in “FINGERS OF INSTABILITY” (see for the whole series). Government inspired and implemented foolishness and absurdity. They are opportunities or pitfalls: you get to decide . To overcome their current poor policies and future boondoggles will require cubic money and credit creation, so it's set to continue. The economies of the world are booming for the most part, the United States is the emerging sick man at this point as the money and credit creation sickness are far more advanced than the rest of the world.

The United States started massive doses of it when Greenspan came to office, the rest of the world has done so much more recently, so it still has much farther to go. They also can support more credit creation for development as they have massive savings built up. This is the financial and economic NO SPIN zone. See it, unfurl your sails and benefit from it as it unfolds. It is not doom and gloom: it is a roadmap to salvation for smart investors everywhere. Thank you for reading Tedbits, if you enjoyed it send it to a friend, subscribe yourself it's free at . Thank you for spending your valuable time with us. Don't miss the next issue!!


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By Ty Andros

Tedbits is authored by Theodore "Ty" Andros , and is registered with TraderView, a registered CTA (Commodity Trading Advisor) and Global Asset Advisors (Introducing Broker). TraderView is a managed futures and alternative investment boutique. Mr. Andros began his commodity career in the early 1980's and became a managed futures specialist beginning in 1985. Mr. Andros duties include marketing, sales, and portfolio selection and monitoring, customer relations and all aspects required in building a successful managed futures and alternative investment brokerage service. Mr. Andros attended the University of San Di ego , and the University of Miami , majoring in Marketing, Economics and Business Administration. He began his career as a broker in 1983, and has worked his way to the creation of TraderView. Mr. Andros is active in Economic analysis and brings this information and analysis to his clients on a regular basis, creating investment portfolios designed to capture these unfolding opportunities as the emerge. Ty prides himself on his personal preparation for the markets as they unfold and his ability to take this information and build professionally managed portfolios. Developing a loyal clientele.

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12 May 07, 11:24

I agree these old dinasaur institutions need to be reformed they still seem to be stuck in the 1970's !

And yes, again and again, interference by the IMF and World Bank seems to have hurt more than helped third world countries

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